Florissant Childcare Health Guidelines
We take Florissant Childcare very seriously at our Little Arrows Child-care Facility. Our highest priority is your child’s health and safety. In keeping with our priorities, here are some health guidelines about bringing children into our facility if you think they may be ill or “coming down with something”.

Tips for Infant & Toddler Childcare
Infants Parents and teachers play an important part in an infant’s reading development. Infants become better readers when they are continually exposed to words and language. When we mimick an infant’s cooing and babbling, we are engaging the infant in...
How to Get Toddlers to Sit and Read with You: Tips from a Speech Therapist
Sometimes, the real challenge with very young children is getting and keeping their attention. Here are some tips to help you get toddlers to sit and read with you and keep their attention while helping them learn. From the American Speech-Language-Hearing...
Christian Hospital’s Information Event 4-8-17
Christian Hospital is holding an information event called “Initiatives and Opportunities” on April 8, 2017 from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM. The event is free to the public, but you must RSVP and reserve your seats at 314-747-WELL (9355). RSVP and reserve your...
Florissant Christian Childcare
The philosophy of Little Arrows Child-care Facility is to provide developmentally appropriate activities to children in all areas: social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual. We use hands on activities to promote their independence, we help them make...
The ABeka Curriculum
The ABeka curriculum provides materials that work. The ABeka program covers toddlers thru grade schoolers and offers a comprehensive, quality curriculum and materials written from a Christian perspective. Now more than ever, each child needs a strong foundation in...
Florissant Child Care
Little Arrows Child Care in Florissant Little Arrows Child Care in Florissant takes an active approach to every child’s development. We view each child as an individual who brings experiences, strengths, and curiosity to understand the world around him/her. We...
Florissant’s History
The Valley of Florissant is one of the oldest settlements in the state of Missouri. Some historians believe it was settled about the same time as St. Louis. The first civil government was formed in 1786. Spanish archives in Havana reveal there were 40 people and seven plantations in Florissant at the time of the 1787 census.